Travel Insurance

Your Essential Companion for Bali Adventures

Heading to Bali is always an exciting experience, but sometimes unexpected situations can arise. Whether it’s a sudden illness or an unforeseen accident, having travel insurance is crucial. As someone who has worked in health insurance in Bali for the past 13 years, I’ve gained valuable insights into medical care and associated expenses.
Let’s explore why travel insurance is a must-have for your Bali trip.

The Cost of Medical Care in Bali

Imagine needing medical attention while in Bali. A night in an international hospital can cost around $700 AUD for the bed alone. Add to that the expenses for doctor visits, medications, diagnostics, and surgeries, and the total bill can quickly escalate. That’s why we strongly recommend never traveling to Bali without proper travel insurance.

Key Considerations When Choosing a Travel Insurance Plan

When selecting an insurance policy, pay close attention to the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) to ensure it covers everything you need.
Here are some essential factors to consider:
Nil Excess: Costs can accumulate, especially when traveling with family members. Look for a plan with no excess fees.
Volcano Cover: Yes, volcanic eruptions can happen, affecting flights and travel plans. Make sure your policy includes coverage for such events.
Activities Coverage: Does the plan cater to your specific activities? Whether it’s ATV rides or motorbike adventures, ensure you’re protected.

Riding Motorbikes in Bali
Many assume that their home country license automatically covers riding mopeds or scooters in Bali. However, this isn’t always the case, as most bikes in Bali exceed 125cc.

International Driving Permit: To be covered, you’ll need an international driving permit specifically stamped for riding a motorbike.
Compliance with Local Laws: Abide by Indonesian laws, which include wearing a helmet, avoiding alcohol/drugs, and limiting passengers (no more than one).
Passenger Coverage: If you’re a passenger, check if your insurance covers you as well.

The Importance of Disclosing Pre-Existing Medical Conditions for Travel Insurance

When planning a trip, it’s essential to consider your health and any pre-existing medical conditions.

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Here’s why full disclosure matters:

Accurate Coverage: Whether you’re traveling for leisure or business, knowing that your travel insurance covers your specific needs is crucial. Disclosing your medical history ensures that you have the right coverage in place.
Peace of Mind: Imagine being abroad and suddenly needing medical attention. By disclosing your pre-existing conditions, you can travel with confidence, knowing that you’re adequately protected.
Cost Considerations: While some insurers may require additional premiums for pre-existing conditions, it’s better to be aware of this upfront. Understanding the cost implications allows you to make informed decisions about your travel insurance.
Remember, honesty is your best travel companion. Disclose your pre-existing conditions, and enjoy your journey worry-free! ✈️

Moving to Bali Permanently?

If you’re planning to relocate to Bali for 12 months or more, consider an international health insurance plan. These plans are designed for expats and meet visa requirements (known as kitas). For more information, visit Asialife or email The team is there to assist you.

Safe travels and enjoy your Bali adventure! 🌴🌊🌞

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